Welcome to Living Pono Counseling


Living Pono Counseling is committed to and has implemented many safeguards to ensure its devices, services, websites and data systems (collectively “Products”) are compliant with the regulations and conditions set forth in the Health Insurance Portability and Availability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). This Statement is not intended to take the place of a Business Associate Agreement.


Living Pono Counseling is committed to continuous improvement to ensure its Products incorporate state-of-the-art information technology privacy and security measures. We are committed to keeping all PHI (Protected Health Information) that is entrusted to us private and secure. We have instituted policies and procedures to ensure this data is kept confidential, including, but not limited to, the following:


Administrative Safeguards

Security is a top priority for BCS, therefore, access to patient data is strictly enforced. All employees are required to sign a confidentiality agreement as a condition of their employment. Additionally, Living Pono Counseling has initiated formal practices to assign appropriate personnel access to data, and actions are in place to govern the proper movement and handling of that data.

Technical Safeguards

To further protect sensitive data, Living Pono Counseling ensures the security of our user information through service providers that perform regular security audits and infiltration testing to maintain ISO/PCI security certifications. Any issues that are reported to or raised during security audits these are resolved as soon as possible.


Our providers encrypt databases containing sensitive information, according to PCI standards, to add additional protection of personally identifiable information. Our encryption methods render this information unreadable without a cryptographic key.


Our providers use a multiple layer security architecture to help protect against 0-day security issues.


Our signup and login services are completed through a secure server. The information provided to our host in the signup process is secured via HTTPS/ SSL communication.


Our service provider uses cryptography hash functions to protect your information. Your password is stored as a hash digest and, in the event of a security breach, your original password cannot be recovered from our servers.


Living Pono Counseling is committed to keeping all PHI and sensitive information secure and to keeping our systems and procedures up to date and in compliance with all related regulations.


For further information, refer to our Privacy Policy or contact us at support@livingponocounseling.com


Effective April 3, 2019
LPC-HPA-2019-04.03-001 v1