let’s get started
Your journey to wellness starts here.
The information requested is part of the process of working together, all of which contribute to an optimal outcome.
Please follow the link to our secure client portal. There, you will be able to create an account, manage your appointments, join telehealth sessions, and complete paperwork.
If you don’t have a portal account yet or have forgotten your password, please contact our office.
preparing for your first session:
Your appointment will be confirmed upon receiving the necessary completed forms.
Bring your insurance card and driver’s license or other approved form of ID to your initial visit.
Start your journey with Living Pono to become a healthier, more balanced you.

the living pono approach
In life, Pono stands for righteousness and balance.
In Hawaiian, if a person is living Pono, it means that they have struck the right balance within themselves, with other things, places, and the people in their lives.
We take that same approach when helping you to grow.
To help you to begin Living Pono